Blackstone Fortress - Fully Painted

Warhammer 40,000 – Blackstone Fortress is a boxed game from Games Workshop that features some amazing miniatures. After the games release there have been supplemental rules release to include the models from this box in 40k armies as well as Kill Teams. I have not played the box game yet but the Kill Team rules aren’t bad and a few of the heroes are very good in Warhammer 40k. Having painted a complete set for a client, I’m eager to have some time to paint up my own set. The neat thing about this game is you can play it solo, which while lame to have to do it’s nice to have the option. One of the biggest drawbacks for the GW box set games and specialist games is the fact that if your group doesn’t jump in on one of the games it’s fairly difficult to find opponents. With my group there’s interest in playing but with a limited amount of time for gaming most people tend to focus on their big game.

There’s not a ton to say about these models they speak for themselves for the most part. The heroes are pretty amazing and the grunt models as just as cool.