Batman - Gotham City Chronicles Expansions

Board Games – Gotham City Chronicles looks like a really interesting game, you’d never know that by looking at the game box which has some really cool art on the front but zero information about what’s in the box on the back. It’s really frustrating and bad packaging design. If I pick up a game box I should be able to flip it over and at a minimum get a description of what in the box with a picture. Sure a nice clean fancy looking box is impressive but years down the road no one’s going to remember what this game is and won’t be able to quickly figure it out at a glance.

It’s a shame really because the miniatures are great and the inside of the boxes are well done, if not a bit space hungry. These expansions are the Batman Inc and Suicide Squad Expansions which are nice sets but to further add to my rant the characters pictured on the box art are not even included in the sets. I’m sure they appear in another box but putting Harley and Dick on the covers when they’re not in the box is a bit annoying.