Erune - Hero Quest with an App?

Board Games – Prior to the rerelease of Hero Quest you’d get a similar dungeon crawl every now and then or replacement components to recreate the magic of the original. I guess using modern technology you can attempt to recreate that dungeon crawl with a narrated app. The concept is cool but as I mentioned in my post about Familiar Tale - app based games have the same issue of limited shelf life as the VHS games of old.

Apart from the app “issue” the game looks really cool and having a narrator solves that age old problem of needing a DM that doesn’t get to play with the party. I like the graphic design and box design for this game, everything has a place and they even thought of including boxes to keep track of your character throughput the campaign.

The description from the publisher is pretty good:

Enter the world of Erune and roam through its darkest dungeons... Experience epic quests, fight hordes of monsters and thwart the Master of Shadows' evil plans!

Erune is a Dungeon-Crawler for 1 to 5 players.

Thanks to the mix of a board game with a mobile app, you can talk with your game!

The Spirit of Erune is the privileged companion of your adventures. Guardian of the ancestral knowledge of the world of Erune, it resides in each and everything. Impartial, it does not take part in the conflict between the Adventurers and the Master of Shadows.

The Spirit of Erune is the narrator of your adventure
It allows you to speak with the characters you meet during your adventures.
It punctuates your quests with all kinds of events.
Beware! Your choices have consequences that influence your story!

The Spirit of Erune is a source of knowledge
It will answer all your questions about the rules of the game and the objects of the world of Erune down to the smallest detail.

The Spirit of Erune is luck
It unveils the treasures, the traps and the effects of items among thousands of possibilities!

The Spirit of Erune makes you evolve
It reveals your earnings when you level up, your quest objectives and the winner of the game.

The app is free on iOS and Android but requires an Erune Game Box to be used.