Customs ... how I loathe thee

My loving mother was kind enough to buy me a bunch of Forgeworld stuff for Christmas. Much to her dismay what the package arrived it was in a blue plastic bag and the models were just dumped into the bag along with a destroyed box. As she ordered it just in time for Christmas she had no idea what to do. Not having any idea on what it was she actually bought she had no way of knowing what was missing or broken. 

Of course when I opened the box to find a Babab War book, Land Raider Achilles, 2 Dreadnaughts, Captain Korvydae, Damocles Command Rhino, and Raven Guard Doors for the Land Raider and Rhino I was thrilled. Then of course she explained how it arrived and upon closer inspection I noticed an immense amount of damage.

The book looked like it had been chewed up in some type of machine and several of the parts were missing for numerous models. Many of the parts were broken to the point of being unfixable.

I have attempted to contact Forgeworld regarding the damage and would hope that the package was insured since it was several hundred dollars worth of product. Since they just got back from the holiday break I hope to hear something soon (and hopefully positive). Be forewarned this is part of the danger of shipping or ordering things from overseas.


After a bit of a wait, the kind people at Forgeworld helped me out. They replaced all the missing or damaged parts with COMPLETE new models. Customer service like this really make a company stand out.