Rise of the Necromancers - Painting Evil

Board Games – Rise of the Necromancers bills itself as an area control game with character development. The game sounds pretty fun even though the “miniatures” are less than outstanding. Not to come off as harsh, for their purpose the minis work just fine and look like cool little tombstones with zombie hands and the Necromancer’s look wizardly enough.


The expansion Dawn of the Demons makes some pretty huge strides in mini quality. These large scale monsters are more in line with what most people think of when a game is billed as having miniatures. That’s not to say these are amazing miniatures by any stretch but they’re functional.

Since the detail on these isn’t amazing I used a pre-shading and contrast paint method to quickly paint up the 70+ miniatures. Player color is really important for these pieces and the game didn’t include the colored disks to denote player color, so that meant I needed to work the color into each batch of miniatures. I think my solution works and makes it easy to see which piece belongs to each player.
