On the modeling table ...

Incursion – Having finished the base sculpts I was working on I've assembled the German Starter box of models for Incursion. The models went together easily and there was very little flash and mold lines to clean up on the models in my box.

Hans was probably the most difficult of the models. The pipes require some bending to get them to fit properly, and a rather delicate. Also the ball joint on his harpoon arm didn't really have an obvious attachment point so it took a bit of trial and error to get the arm properly mounted. 

Both Greta and Ilsa have extremely delicate legs so removing the tabs from them took some time and patience. I was impressed with the join for Ilsa's arm as it fit perfectly in the hole and required no additional drilling. 

I'm looking forward to painting these models up. I need to prime them and the weather has been uncooporative as of late. usually I'd just go to the garage to prime them but with a baby in the house I'm concerned about the fumes wafting in.