I got wood in my stocking ... it's so great!

Modern Tabletop – I love amazon wishlist. As a gamer it's very difficult for my friends and family to understand the things I like. To avoid getting another shirt I may or may not fit into or wear I started using amazon wish list a few years ago.  Now I keep one for myself and the kids, if someone is looking for a gift idea I send them a link of they can search amazon to find it themself. For the kids it helps to keep their gifts age appropriate, within their interests and most importantly not duplicated so I don't have to return stuff.

For me the wish list has been a god send. Every year my relatives know they can check my list and get me something I'm going to love. The big surprise this year was MDF terrain. It's one of those things no one would ever think would make a good gift. "You want a bunch of wood to glue together?" But it's one of those things I really want but don't want to get myself, ie the perfect gift.

Most of the stuff I got was from TT Combat and Knights of Dice. Both make high quality laser cut MDF Terrain that fits perfect in a modern setting. This is going to go a long way filling out my modern board for games like Batman, Mercs and other Skirmish games.

So far I've put together a warehouse, cargo barge, and some city foundations that will help to raise up different sections to make a more interesting table.