Space Marines: Iron Hands - Big Guns?

Warhammer 40,000 – So Iron Hands are the new Boogie Man, which is understandable I suppose. Durability combined with starting in their special Combat Doctrine Bonus as well as being able to inherently re-roll ones on heavy weapons is very strong. Playing Iron Hands proper is very solid, and your can take it further with Successor traits to tweak your abilities to fit your list. Their special character and chapter relics are really strong so losing access to them hurts a bit.

Not having put my big tanks on the board in quite some time I started messing around with some lists that might be fun to play.


HQ - Captain: Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
HQ - Techmarine: Combi-grav, Power fist, Servo-arm Relic: Iron Stone Warlord: Adept of the Omnissiah
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
ELITE - 2x Company Veterans: Chainsword, Combi-plasma
ELITE - Relic Whirlwind Scorpius: Scorpius multi-launcher

LORD OF WAR - Relic Typhon Heavy Siege Tank: 2x lascannons

While this list is unlikely to do much other than irritate my opponents it will be pretty difficult to deal with at 1500 points. The techmarine warlord will hide behind the Typhon with the Veterans flanking him to keep him alive. With 22 wounds, a 2+ save and a character hanging around to reduce incoming damage and heal D3+1 wounds each turn I don’t think my siege gun will be going anywhere.

To further annoy my opponent the Scorpius will hang out out of LOS shooting twice every turn. I could potentially park it behind the Typhon to take advantage of the Iron Stone and Techmarine healing in a solid little castle.

The rest of the list is pretty much filler. The intercessors are armed with the Stalker to take advantage of the Devastator Doctrine and the Smash Captain is there to run off and do work.

Taking the same idea and running with it I came up with an alternate version of the list featuring a Fellblade. Again I’m not so sure its any good, but I might enjoy putting it on the table a few times just to knock the dust off some of my bigger models.


HQ - Captain: Jump Pack, Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer
HQ - Chaplain: Recitation of Focus, Litany of Hate, Bolt pistol
HQ - Techmarine: Combi-grav, Power fist, Servo-arm Relic: Iron Stone Warlord: Adept of the Omnissiah
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
TROOP - 5x Intercessors: Stalker Bolt Rifle, Chainsword
ELITE - 2x Company Veterans: Chainsword, Combi-plasma

LORD OF WAR - Relic Fellblade Super-heavy Tank: Twin heavy bolter, 2x Quad Lascannon, Demolisher Cannon, Accelerator Cannon.

Essentially this is the same idea kicked up a notch. The techmarine and chaplain hang out behind the giant tank buffing it up and making it impossible to kill.