Clan Yamazaru - Ninja All-Stars

Ninja All-Stars – I’ve been able to make a dent in my personal backlog this year, not necessarily the models I had planned on painting for the Year of the Rat. (This was going to be all Necromunda all the time, but the nature of that game requires social interaction with a group of people, 2020 being what it’s been my gangs have been on hiatus.) The amount of time I’ve been spending with the kids has reinvigorated my interest in some game that I had shelved, Ninja All-Stars is one that didn’t quite click with my gamer friends but my kids love it, and to be honest it’s grown on me.

Clan Yamazaru is the fourth named clan I’ve painted up, leaving me with just Clan Kitsune, Tanchyo and some Ronin to complete. I don’t think Ninja Division is supporting the game any more so once I finish the stuff that’s out I’ll have the entire game fully painted. Which is really exciting because the game is beautiful and the models look so good with paint on them.