Impact Chibi Adventures - Cthulu Mythos Monsters

Chibi Style – Ages ago I picked up a bunch of minis from Impact Miniatures fully intending to create some rules for Super Dungeon Explore. Unfortunately I managed to get distracted and they sat on the shelf for years. Fast forward to 2020, between having lots more family time and realizing my boys can both read well enough to finally play my games meant lots of games found new life.

After playing the Forgotten Kings version of Super Dungeon Explore over the summer in our open air gaming garage with another family I remembered my plans for the Impact Miniatures I had. Newly invigorated I dug out the box and started putting paint on them between my other projects. I still haven’t come up with rules but having these painted is a good start.

The Avatar of Yog and Avatar of Shub are really cool little models that should be easy enough to come up with rules for. Recently Ninja Division has been showing off rules that target willpower which seems like the right direction for something famous for making you go crazy.