Sister Act - Seraphim and More


Warhammer 40,000 – I’ve yet to have a full force of the new plastic sisters come across my table. However I am getting individual units and models more frequently so it probably won’t be long until I paint a full force.


This batch has some of the new plastic Seraphim, an Imagifier and neat resin print of a cherub. As with the models I previously painted for this client I’m trying to match an existing paint scheme so these are painted black, dry brushed gray and then washed with Nuln Oil. From there its a simple matter of painting the red and gold as well as the gunmetal bits.


The plastic stand for flying models is probably one of my least favorite things Games Workshop has put out in recent years. In theory it looks great and not having to have a giant hole in your model to insert the stand seems like a good idea, just like the ball-joints for the last version of flying stand seemed like a good idea. If the models would only be displayed on a shelf than all of these stands are fine, but once you account for travel, storage and popping the model on and off the stands they don’t work so well.