Blackstone Fortress - Another Set Fully Painted

Warhammer 40,000 – Blackstone Fortress is a cool looking game. Having still not had a chance to play my own set I can only comment on how cool the game looks. One day I’m hoping to play through it as well as get my own set painted but right now there are too many other games that are grabbing my attention.

These models are some of the most characterful models Games Workshop has made combined with the expansions and previous Kill Team box set you really get a feel for what a Rogue Trader and Crew look like. A weird cross between a pirate and cyperpunk with a little gothic thrown in is how I describe the Rogue Traders.

The villains of the set are also quite unique Traitor Guard, Beastmen, Cultists, Chaos Marines, and some random gribblies make a force that your heroes will have to face in their quest for the secrets of the Blackstone Fortress.

Cursed City - Painted Up

Age of Sigmar – Cursed City was one of those chase big box games that Games Workshop didn’t produce enough of and then allocated to stores resulting in ridiculous price gouging for people that actually wanted to get the game to paint and play. Maybe once all the supply chain issues clear up they’ll reprint the game so everyone that wants one can get it.

I’m really happy to have had a chance to paint up this set and in actually just a bit jealous that I didn’t pick one up for myself. There are a ton of cool models in this set that would be an amazing basis for conversions so maybe they’ll release them separately at some point.

To paint these I stuck with contrast paint over a variety of base colors, the look is slightly different than my traditional painting style and I like how the effect ties all these models together.