Nightmare Cathedral - Painted

Board Games - This games features some incredible art and the minis are very creepy. I only painted the enemy figures because the player pieces looked fine in their base color and it didn’t seem worth the extra effort to shade them.

From the publisher:

Nightmare Cathedral prominently features the haunting artwork by the late polish surrealist painter and sculptor Zdzisław Beksiński.

Nightmare Cathedral is a strategy game for 1–4 players, where victory is gained by controlling the map, managing resources, following objectives and selecting when to engage in fast and furious conflicts to gain strategic advantage. Over the course of the game, you will perform actions — and follow the actions of other players — to produce units, build fortifications, maneuver around the map, and spend your followers to climb the ritual track. Throughout the game, a haunting Cathedral will grow in the center of the board, and once it is completed, you will face — and gain the ability to control! — the physical manifestations of nightmares that are released upon the world. Nightmare Cathedral is a game of both strategy and tactics, where finding clever ways to follow your objectives and combining different strategies is the ultimate route to victory.

Tiny Epic Pirates

Boardgames – Miniature games aren’t typically small and portable. Tiny Epic Pirates is the exception this cool little game comes with several plastic ships that break down and fit back in the little box. This project is pretty basic with a simple coat of contrast paint on the ships and sails to make them look a little better than the bare molded plastic.

Dark Rituals by Dark Gate Games

Dark Rituals by Dark Gate Games

Board Games – I love a good board game, add in a bunch of minis and it’s even better. Dark Rituals: Malleus Maleficarum was a Kickstarter game that funded in 2019. The amazing models and creeoy theme lead to the game funding in less than 50 min. The look and feel of the game reminds me a bit of Hell Dorado and Kingdom Death.

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Terror Below - The Big Worm

Board Games - Terror Below was on Kickstarter last year. It’s essentially Tremors the board game without licensing the property and tying into the line of films. The game is played with wooden pieces that plyers use to try and escape the giant worms living below the surface. So yes the gameplay is real similar to the film.

While the game itself doesn’t use minis (I imagine to keep costs down) they did make one giant worm model that came with the Kickstarter.