I Graciously Welcome Our New Overlords - of the Kharadon Variety


Age of Sigmar – The warbands of Warhammer Underworlds have been very fun to paint. The small model count is just enough to get a taste for what the faction looks like without being totally invested in a huge amount of models. It seems like the game plays quickly and is easy to pick up and fill in downtime during regular game nights.

Thundrick’s Profiteers is the latest warband to cross my painting table. While I’m not reall interested in Age of Sigmar myself these models sure are tempting. I’d almost be tempted to pick them up and convert a Kill team or small squad for Warhammer 40K out of them.

Being mostly gold I started with a copper basecoat washed with Coelia Geenshade. I really like how the blue-green wash looks with gold. It gives it a bit of an unearthly quality that contrasts nicely with the purple of their cloth jumpsuits. After painting the faces silver I washed with Drakenfield Nightshade which gives a nice hue that feels more natural than a black wash.
