Baby It's Cold Outside - Last Aurora

Board Games – When I was a kid Post Apocalyptic always meant desert wastes and fighting over water/food/fuel after a nuclear war. Over time that scenario seems to have changed Water World had the ice caps melt, other films have had it be a plague zombie or more traditional and for a period of time the disaster of choice was a new Ice Age. Last Aurora follows along with the frozen wasteland theme caused by nuclear winter.

From the manufacturer:

“The radioactive dust of the Last War has frozen the northern countries. In the ice desert, the few survivors live in an icy hell as the resources of the "old world" are now exhausted, and travel to the south is too long and dangerous. But a radio message is rekindling hope: The last icebreaker ship, the Aurora, is cruising along the coast, looking for survivors. The winter is coming, and in a few days, those who cannot get on board will be doomed by the ice. It will be a race against time to arrive at the ship or surrender to despair: there's still the light of hope on the horizon, a light to grab before it's too late...

Last Aurora is a post-apocalyptic game for 1-4 players set in a frozen, desolate land. Each player has to manage their crew to gather resources, recruit survivors, improve their vehicle, and fight their enemies as they race to reach the ship before it's too late!”

Having a unique look to your miniatures is always a bonus for a game, sometimes you stumble upon a new look that creates a trend and other times your unique look makes you stand out from the crowd. The gas-masked little soldiers for this game are pretty unique looking and the other tokens do a good job representing what they are.