Team Yankee - What the Cold War might have been


Historical – Team Yankee sounds like an interesting game. It falls into that category of remember when media that is so pervasive right now. Many, myself included have found memories of the 1980’s cartoons were “better”, toys made sense, you could gorge yourself on the latest sugary cereal in front of the TV until your parents inevitably made you go outside. In the mind of a child things were great, even if in the back of your head there was always the thought of impending nuclear annihilation.


Team Yankee is a “historical” game based on the forces countries had during that period. You can play out all the worst case scenarios that never happened or recreate some of the little wars that were kept hidden. The concept sounds cool even for someone who has zero interest in historical games.

The tanks are pretty easy to build even though they’ll a small scale. The A-10’s were a bit more difficult because well resin/metal kits always suck to put together and the casting quality left quite a bit to be desired. But i imagine they don’t see a ton of table time as aircraft tend to zoom in drop their payload and zoom away.