Shadow War: Building a Mining Complex

Warhammer 40,000 - This is the second article in my series about building a winter themed mining complex for Warhammer 40,000 and Shadow War: Armageddon. You can read the first part here.

For the base of these pieces I built the bases just like I did for the Landing Pad in the first part of this series.

The mining laser is one of those pieces that makes the table. When you see it on the table it is immediately obvious that this is part of a mining operation. Terrain pieces like this while they might not be the centerpiece of the table, will bring the world to life for your players.

To build this I used a variety of components, including some Mantic Battlezone parts, Heaxgon and Platformer kits that have been in my box for ages, a crayola toy, a R2-D2 leg from a Taco Bell cup back when Stars Wars was remastered and a door from a Monsters Inc Happy Meal toy. Yes I know it's a strange mix of parts but I collect junk like this knowing it will come in handy at some point. I think I've had the cup legs since 1996, just waiting for the right project.

I suppose I could tag this with my 101 things to do with craters, as the crater I added to the base dictates where the rest of the parts could go. Using the toy parts I fabricated the main rig. With it in place I then made an access ramp that will make this terrain piece functional. Sniper's nest are super important to consider for SWA they also give players a reason to interact with the terrain.

The paint followed the same gray base, dry brush, walnut wash as the landing pad. To give the impression the rig is boring a hole into the surface I used fluorescent acrylic paint to give a glowing effect on the center drill as well in the crater. I'll add more detail to this after a few test games to be sure it's functional.

While I was building this rig I also constructed a basic structure that could be a barracks, office or something else. This is composed entirely of the Mantic Battlefields terrain panels, glued to a pink foam and mdf base. Again more detail will be added once this has seen a few battles.