Gaslands - Deathrace Gates

Gaslands - Deathrace Gates

Gaslands – I'm incredibly excited to start playing Gaslands. Having converted a few cars, I picked up the dice and templates as well as material to build some gates. Wandering around my local train/hobby store I found that the HO scale stuff looked to be close to Hot Wheels size. (The clerk informed me that Hot Wheels are technically "S" scale, but the don't carry that because most Railroad guys don't like that size so it's a specialty item.) The carry a very inexpensive plastic girder system that seemed like it would suit my needs and budget for this game. (part of the draw for this game are the 99¢ models honestly, followed closely by the nostalgia factor of playing with Mad Max style cars)

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Deadbolt's Derelict – Getting Ready for Necromunda

Deadbolt's Derelict – Getting Ready for Necromunda

Warhammer 40,000 – Necromunda used to be one of my favorite games. Sadly the awesomeness  the is 8th Edition Warhammer 40,000 has overshadowed the game in my local group. Combined with the "lack of rules" for older gangs it's been a hard sell. However once we wrap up our current escalation league I plan on doing a short Necromunda campaign. 

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Welcome to Chinatown - MDF Terrain

Welcome to Chinatown - MDF Terrain

Terrain Building – Last Christmas I received several buildings from Knights of Dice in their Sentry City Chinatown Range. For some reason I had shelved these with some other "rainy-day" projects. I pulled these out while I was looking for another box and decided to make some time to get a simple paint job on them and assemble the buildings so I can use them for some games.

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Mining Complex Part Four

Warhammer 40,000 - Here's another piece for my mining industrial terrain set. At this point it's playable but no where near done with painting. My goal with this set was to get it together, base coated and washed as fast as possible so I could get it on the table to play Shadow War: Armageddon. Now that 8th edition has released I'm thinking I'll get back to this project after I finish the Genestealer Cult army that is supposed to match this terrain set.

I stopped working on my own armies to focus on terrain until the rule set was released and I could confirm what I was working o was still playable.

Shadow War: Building a Mining Complex Part 3

Shadow War: Building a Mining Complex Part 3

Warhammer 40,000 - This is the third part of my series about building terrain for a winter themed mining complex. My goal is to get a full table built and playable as quickly as possible to take advantage of the excitement my group has about SWA at the moment. More detail will be added to these pieces at a later date.

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Shadow War: Building Landing Pad

Warhammer 40,000 - Terrain is vital to create a immersive game. Miniatures can only take you so far. I've always been a terrain guy, no matter the system I build at least one new terrain set anytime I start anew game. It's been forever since my group played Necromunda so any terrain I had has long since been trashed or donated. While I really like the new terrain kits Games Workshophas put out I wanted to do something different. I still had a bunch of Mantic terrain from the first Deadzone Kickstarter that I never did anything with so I took that, some cans I've been saving, pink foam and some parts from the industrial terrain to build a new battlefield.

This terrain set is going to go on an Alpine FAT Mat that I picked up before FLG and Tablewar went their separate ways. It's a nice thick mouse pad style mat with a beautiful snow/rock print. When I resurface the top of my gaming table I think I'm going to invest in a few of these to replace the textured boards I usually use. Dice roll better on them, they're easier to store and the flat surface makes it easier to place terrain in various positions without getting caught up on some random rock of sand bit.

Once I finish painting all the pieces for this terrain set I'll add some snow effect to the edges of each base to help them blend in to the mat and tie the whole theme together.

The first piece I built for this set is the landing pad. It's primarily made out of Mantic Battlefields panels with a MDF hexagon for the landing pad. I detailed it out with some Games Workshop bits from my bits box and other random resin pieces I've made copies of over the years. (I've found that if I find a cool bit its best to make a silicone mold of it because I'll inevitably forget where it came from or be unable to track down more in the future.)

After laying out the panels in a rough idea of what I wanted to do I used a jigsaw to cut a piece of MDF that I textured previously with drywall tape and cardstock. I then glued pink foam to the base and used a razor knife to carve out the shapes I wanted. From there it's just a matter of gluing the parts in place and painting.

I base coat everything with a Behr paint and primer that I had the guys at Home depot match to the hobby paint I use. The wash is a Minwax water based stain that I thin down 2 parts water to 1 part stain. A base coat, dry brush and wash gets this piece to a playable state quickly and I'll detail it out after I've tested it in game to be sure nothing needs to change.




Trimming it out ... Frostgrave table

Trimming it out ... Frostgrave table

Frostgrave – I had a little free time to do some additional work on this table. For the buildings I was going to do a Tudor-style face but realized that the Ultra-board I'm working with is rather difficult to carve stone into. I'm sure I could do it with my Dremel, but the amount of work compared to the payoff didn't seem to be optimal.

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Feeling a Chill ... Frostgrave is calling

Feeling a Chill ... Frostgrave is calling

Frostgrave – I never really got into Mordheim, the game seemed interesting but Warhammer Fantasy never appealed to me. The buzz about Frostgrave got me interested in the game. My wife gave me the short story compilation for Christmas and while it wasn't mind-blowingly good it was interesting enough to convince me to spend the $18 to get the rule book.

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We're going on a Bug Hunt ... WIP Corridors

We're going on a Bug Hunt ... WIP Corridors

Terrain Building – I recently picked up the roofs to match the Bug Hunt Corridors terrain that I kickstarted a while back. Because it was a limited time deal I felt I should get them so I can use the terrain set for more than just the inside of a ship or building complex. With the roofs added they can suddenly be used as freestanding building in their own right which opens up their use in big games of Warhammer 40K, Relic Knights, MERCS, and other sci-fi games.

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OCD ... Yeah you know me

Terrain Building – Ok I'll admit it I'm obsessive about many things to the extreme. One of my major projects that keeps getting back burnered is my Space Marine Company. Part of the reason it's taking so long is that I do a unit at a time and take them to a high level paint job, mount to a resin base and apply a decal with the Battle Brothers name. Yeah I know its a bit much but when it's done I think it will be impressive

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Von Drake Manor ... Some Assembly Required

Von Drake Manor ... Some Assembly Required

Super Dungeon Explore - I finally started cleaning up my Von Drake Manor Minis, they've been staring at me for quite some time and I was going to make this my October project but some other stuff came up so I had to back burner it. Now that I'm taking a short break I was able to scrape off the model lines and fill the gaps with greenstuff. Just like the other Super Dungeon stuff I've cleaned up I sculpted the flagstones so the base has a bit more dimensionality and transitions back smoother. 

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101 Things to Do with Craters #2

101 Things to Do with Craters #2

Terrain Making – I finally had a chance to get back to the series I started a few weeks ago. As I mentioned then I have a mold I made for craters back when they were a thing needed for Warhammer 40K. As such i don't want it to go to waste so I'm working on various terrain sets that use some or all of the crater to create unique items from a common mold.

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101 Things To Do With Craters ... Terrain Thoughts

101 Things To Do With Craters ... Terrain Thoughts

Terrain Building – So back in sixth edition 40K I made a crater and created a mold of it so I'd have something to represent all the exploded rhinos and other vehicles on the table top. Now seventh edition doesn't leave a crater when vehicles explode so I have to figure out something to do with all the plaster casts I made of my crater. Perhaps I can do a "101 Things to Do with Craters" series of articles.

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Crystal Configuration Conundrum

Crystal Configuration Conundrum

Relic Knights – One of the key features of the Relic Knights universe is the growth of Esper Crystals. These are supposed to be running rampant across the Last Galaxy as the Darkspace Calamity approaches. In the videos I've seen from Soda Pop it looks like they use Gale Force 9's Battlefield in a Box crystals, which look pretty cool unfortunately they don't seem to be available (not to mention I want to try and save some money on this project) so I need to figure out how to make crystals.

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Castling Up ... Painting Fortifications

Castling Up ... Painting Fortifications

Warhammer 40,000 – Fortifications and other terrain have been sitting in my cabinet for far to long without paint on them. I picked up the box with two bastions and a bunch of defense lines ages ago to use as terrain. I really can't see using points from my list to bring terrain but it works great as standard terrain. 

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Built to Fail ...

Warhammer 40K – Lately I've been playing a fair bit of 40K. With the new marine book I've rekindled my love for the game. Regardless of GW's pricing and corporate policies the game itself is enjoyable and fun. Sure their are some weird rules and some careless editing that can cause confusion and pain during a game but overall it's just plain fun.

With my 4'x6' board currently dominated by the near future city I've been working on (I swear I will post progress sooner or later) many of my recent games have been played using this board. For as packed full of terrain as it is the games have gone pretty smooth. For the first few we just played the building interiors as impassible terrain and kept the fight in the street. While this worked well it seemed to be missing something.

In my most recent game we decided to delve into the big book and figure out how in tact buildings are supposed to work. In previous editions the rules for buildings were pretty vague and left much to the obligatory house rules. This time around they actually put some thought into the rules and gave pretty solid guidelines on how they will work. Essentially buildings are treated similar to a vehicle in which you can shoot a structure and cause damage to it which in turn effects the units inside. The guidelines base the armor value on the size of the structure and its function which then determine how many models can fit in it, how many fire points and what type of protection it offers.

Since my board is mostly 9"x9" structures that represent a habblock or business district each building is essentially the same as a drop pod. Which you would think means they are pretty filmsy however in practice they are anything but.

We played a three player game with two marine players facing off against a guard army. The set up seemed to favor the marines as the guard player was forced into a corner dominated by a large complex. Essentially three different buildings consisting of multiple stories with bridges. As it turns out the guard player was able to fit most of his army inside the buildings making it very hard to shoot them. Over the course of six turns he stayed holed up in the buiding taking pot shots out the doors. Duting the last turn i was able to score a penetrating hit on the building finally and caused catostrophic damage. This killed off over 50% of the guys in the building and caused those on the roof to tumble to their death. Pretty game changing if this had happened earlier in the game it would have been devastating, this late in the game it didn't do much.

I like the rules for in tact buildings and think they add a lot of flavor to the game. I also like that they have a certain amount of risk/reward built into them. Sure you can take advantage of holing up the whole game but one luckily shot could bring the whole thing down around your ears. I'm tempting to build a force geared to taking out structures to see what kind of impact that will have on the game when using this board.