Battle Report – Blood Angels Vs Chaos Daemons


Warhammer 40,000 – It’s been a little while since I did anything with my chaos forces. After having some time to paint up some Flesh Hounds and picking up two Helverins that will be joining my Renegade Knight as a very shooty detachment, I wanted to put them on the table.

This week I faced off in a Maelstrom Mission against my friends “Blood Angels” that he’s put together a core 1000 points of and is borrowing from my collection to see what he might like to add for his last 1000 points.

Having been playing Imperial Soup for some time I feel like my list is severely lacking in Command Points, but it looks cool and should be able to do something. Here’s my list:

Tzeentch Vanguard (+1CP)
HQ - Daemon Princess - double talons, Warlord with the Impossible Robe
ELITE - Flamers X3
ELITE - Flamers X3
ELITE - Flamers X3
FAST - Screamers X3

Khorne Outrider (+1CP)
HQ - Bloodthrister of Infinite Rage
FAST - Flesh Hounds X5
FAST - Flesh Hounds X5
FAST - Flesh Hounds X5

Questoris Traitoris Super Heavy Detachment (+3 CP)
Renegade Knight - Dual Avenger Cannons
Renegade Helverin
Renegade Helverin

After set up I won the roll to go first. Promptly falling for my opponents Scout speed bump trap. Due to the large bases on the Flesh Hounds I was having a hard time moving around the buildings in the center of the board, but I was able to take of the BA Captain with my hounds and princess after loosing the Bloodthirster.


After a bunch of back and forth we decided to call the game a tie after four turns. It seems that our two forces are pretty well match to face off against each other. The Malestrom deck was just as annoying as ever spitting out random goals that ranged from impossible to I was going to do that every turn anyway.