Welcome to Wulfsburg - Zombicide Black Plague

Board Games – Zombicide Black Plague has many different expansions that play off similar concepts to the modern day version has explored, all with slight tweaks and improvements. Now CMON if relaunching the original with a second edition that you can back on Kickstarter now.


Wulfsburg bring in a zombie-dog/werewolf theme that pushes the fantasy concept of this version even further. As with the others most of the sculpts are pretty good. The individual wolves are a bit soft on detail but with a little effort you can make them look pretty decent.

The abomination and characters are really great, in fact so far the wolf abomination is my favorite sculpt of the series. The characters for this one are themed to fit with a hunter aesthetic and as such I stuck with natural looking leather colors with the exception of the female who has a Red Riding Hood vibe about her.