Space Train Robbery - The Law

Board Games – Do you like poker dice? Do you like space cowboys? Do you like chibi style anime? Do you like trains? If you answered yes to ALL of these questions then Rail Raiders Infinite is the game for you. If you only answered yes to some of those questions you might like this or you might not.

I’ve played Rail Raiders Infinite a few times with my kids and a few times with my gaming group and regardless of the group it’s always pretty fun. The games not really that complicated, and you don’t need to know poker hands as there’s a handy chart, all you need to do is roll some dice and try and mess with other players while attempting to collect loot before the train makes it to the station.

There’s not a ton of strategy to the game, you can’t collect loot unless the train car you’re in is empty. If you beat someone in a showdown you can push them forward a car or back a car until its clear and you can grab the loot. There’s a little more to the rule than that but the basic game is just that simple.

I love the minis for this game and really any of the games this company puts out. With this batch of robots I just wanted to get some paint on them quickly so I experimented with Contrast paint over a metallic base. The effect is pretty simple but effective for a robot cowboy cop.