Space Train Robbery - The Law

Space Train Robbery - The Law

Board Games – Do you like poker dice? Do you like space cowboys? Do you like chibi style anime? Do you like trains? If you answered yes to ALL of these questions then Rail Raiders Infinite is the game for you. If you only answered yes to some of those questions you might like this or you might not.

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Western Legends - A Sandbox Game?

Board Games – Western Legends is billed as an open-world, sandbox game set in the American West, which to me sort of screams Red Dead Redemption the table top game. I’m not exactly sure how a board game can be an open-world sandbox, since that is typically RPG territory but that’s what this game claims to be. Board Game geek has it rated as a 7.7 as of this posting and it was nominated for several awards in 2018 so I assume the game lives up to its promise.

If you couldn’t tell by that vague description, I haven’t actually played this game. Much like many of the commissions that come across my desk I’m primarily concerned with how the models look and getting them painted to fit the theme and be functional.

For what they are these are decent cowboy miniatures, not a ton of detail and a little on the small side but they painted up nice enough.

Gunfighter's Ball - Cowboy Up

Historical – I painted a few crews for Gun Fighters Ball earlier this year, my client needed to get another crew painted up for an event in May. Whether or not that event will happen given the current health crisis remains to be seen, but at least I met his deadline. These guys are from the OK coral shoot-out.

Gun Fighters Ball - Legends of the Old West

Historical – Cowboys are such an American icon. While Westerns come in and out of popularity every few years, there always seems to be a new miniature game popping up set in the genre. One of my clients went whole hog with Knuckleduster’s Gun Fighter’s Ball. This is a skirmish game that works for 2-12 players, the game has cards that detail out the stats for each mini and they come sold in packs of gangs like the Earps and James Gang. The production quality of the cards is pretty basic, but the figure are amazingly detailed metal models. Gone are the days or blobby lead cowboys, these models are crisp and well defined.