Disco Inferno - Arcadia Quest

Board Games – I’ve being painting quite a bit of CMON products as of late. Their particular style of chibi is different from the Sodapop Miniatures/Impact Miniatures style. I think I prefer the bigger eyes of the other two companies, but the variety of the CMON product is very nice.

This batch is mostly from the Inferno Expansion which pits demons vs angels as well as another huge box of parody miniatures. I’ve really enjoyed painting these models they’ve given me some freedom to experiment with some techniques that I can’t try out when painting additions to existing armies or matching a paint style.

Citadel Contrast paints are pretty amazing. I wouldn’t say they are the second coming that GW advertised them as but they are a really nice tool to have in my kit. The paint falls into this weird category of not really a paint or an ink but somewhere in-between. Experimenting with applying a contrast paint over a base color I’ve been really happy with the results which you can see with the models pictured here.