Pandemic - Mythos Style

Board Games – Pandemic is a classic board game that most serious gamers already have in their collection. Having lived through one for the last few years makes the game a little to real for most people to want to bust out for game night. Pandemic: Cthulu helps to solve that problem by porting over the gameplay to a Mythos Theme. Now rather than trying to control the spread of diseases you’re trying to stop the spread of cults to prevent the rise of a terrible evil entity (Hmmm … maybe it still hits close to home for some). As far as I know this is also the first game to feature miniatures, which I painted up in this latest batch.

Impact Chibi Adventures - Cthulu Mythos Monsters

Impact Chibi Adventures - Cthulu Mythos Monsters

Chibi Style – Ages ago I picked up a bunch of minis from Impact Miniatures fully intending to create some rules for Super Dungeon Explore. Unfortunately I managed to get distracted and they sat on the shelf for years. Fast forward to 2020, between having lots more family time and realizing my boys can both read well enough to finally play my games meant lots of games found new life.

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From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

Board Games – Pop Culture Icons/References trapped in an insane asylum trying to escape from other Pop Culture Icons/References seems to be the basis of Lobotomy the board game. I haven't actually played the game, but based on the large batches of minis I've painted for my client that's the general opinion I have about the game. The models are decent quality and plentiful which is usually a good enough reason to pick up a game. (Because if it's awful you can always repurpose the minis right?) 

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