Raptors - With an Iron Hand?


Warhammer 40,000 – Chasing the meta can be a fickle thing. Particularly if you’re not actively playing in tournaments, since the “meta” for certain style events can be incredibly different than what’s going on in your own circle of players. For many of the competitive lists people try to emulate are built to play a very specific mission set. Bringing a list built to manipulate ITC scoring doesn’t function so well in a Maelstrom Game for example. While you’re still focused on holding and taking objectives the other nuances don’t translate and pulling a bunch of run over here cards with your gunline army can be devastating. Just something that came to mind as I started work on the latest addition to my clients Raptors force.

This time around Intercessors seem to be the new hotness, as well as Iron Father Ferros and a droppod. Just to mix it up he also sent over some Sternguard and a Ravenwing Master in a landspeeder. Do you see the trend?

Intercessors are amazing. Now that they have a bunch of good strategems and a few more weapon options they can fulfill multiple roles on the battlefield. This batch appears to be mostly stalker pattern bolt rifles with some power fist and chainswords. Since he also sent over the Iron Father I’m guessing his current build will move away from the Ravenguard and into the indomitable Iron Hands everyone else is running.


Several batches back I painted a bunch of grav-canon Devestators. I assume the droppod is here to carry those guys in an alpha strike. The pod he has is second hand and appears to have been “converted” to carry a Dreadnought from back when that was a thing. I really do miss being able to put a dread in one or a Thunderfire Cannon to drop in an unexpected place but that’s several codexes past so forever forward.

Last up is a Ravenwing Master in a landspeeder. I assume I’ll have two more of these to paint as the Dark Angels got a little better with the newest supplement.
