Going on a Crusade - Knights Painted Up

Board Games – Often I get large commissions for board game miniatures. Most of the time these are colored ABS plastic that very in the quality of the sculpts. Putting a little paint on them brings the overall quality of the experience way up in my opinion.


Simple pawns or meeples have a unique charm all their own and they do a great job in most games that just need a simple representation of a player or game mechanic. Games that use detailed miniatures take it to another level. Unfortunately most of the time these highly detailed miniatures are left as the plain colored plastic, functional yes but are they really that much different than a simple pawn or meeple?

Even just a simple paint job and wash can take that highly detailed miniature from a simple red pawn replacement to a physical representation of something real. This latestest project really opened my eyes to that fact.

Crusader Kings is a board game version of a popular video game. It comes with 72 detailed miniatures. A simple paint job really makes those minis stand out.