Jim Henson's Labyrinth: The Board Game


Board Games – As a kid I really loved the Muppets and Jim Henson’s The Story Teller, I wasn’t a huge fan of the Dark Crystal or Labyrinth though. As an adult giving those movies another watch I can appreciate the films more and see why some people have so must love for them. I did as a test share Dark Crystal with my kids (the original film not the Netflix show) and they seem to have the same reaction I did when I was their age. Anyway, my most recent project was to paint up the core box and Goblins expansion for the Labyrinth board game by River Horse Studios.

The sculpts on these remind me of the Dark Crystal miniatures I painted up some time ago. The plinth base makes them feel like chess pieces or small statues rather than tabletop miniatures which I guess fits since they are just board game pawns. The details are pretty soft so it does take a little effort to pick things out.

While these are not my favorite they are very true to the source material and anyone that has a strong nostalgia would be happy to own them.