Hellenica: Story of Greece

Board Games – This is my second major board game project this summer. Clocking in at over 800 pieces this was a fairly time consuming project. The miniatures aren’t super detailed but there’s just enough there to require a few steps per model to make them look right. After doing some research about the game I settled on painting the models to match the color dice they roll. So the Hopalites are green, the Heroes are yellow, Boats are blue and the Horsemen are red, I carried this same thinking over to the structures that spawn each of these unit types. This functional paint job should help my client during gameplay. Ownership of the models are denoted by either a cube on the building or a ring on the models base so mass painting these worked out much better that attempting to paint an equal share of each model in the various colors.

Here’s the description of the game from the manufacturer:

“An explosion of creativity and violence erupted in the Aegean Basin in 800 B.C. that defined ancient Greece. This combination of science, mythology, development, and war was led by powerful city-states like Athens, Sparta, Corinth, Troy, Byzantium, Corcyra, and Thebes. These states vied for control over their rivals and dominated the lesser states around them. In time, some of them became so well known that they are remembered even today.

Hellenica: Story of Greece is a 3.5X civilization game in which you harness the powers of one of seven beginning city-states to dominate the world around you. Your goal is to become the preeminent symbol of Greece for all posterity by completing a combination of secret and public goals. Will you be remembered as a warmonger or a peaceful philosopher? Great priest or apostate? Will you develop a devotion to the gods or focus on the advancement of your people?

Can you guide your civilization during these turbulent times? Will your vision of Hellenic civilization be remembered for all time, or will you merely be a stepping stone for another…?”