Icaion - Fully Painted

Board GamesIcaion is an interesting board game, it combines resource management and territory building in a fantasy sci-fi setting. You can combine this game with Mysthea to create a co-op game that is a hybrid of the two.

This game has a ton of miniatures. While many of the minis are really just place holders for worker tokens, having fully detailed models helps to really immerse players in the setting. You place as a seeker represented by a character model who explores the world setting up machines to mine resources and build monuments or find relics.


Painting these models was pretty fun. For the machines I painted them a metallic silver and applied a black wash to bring out the details. Then to keep the player colors on each I used contrast paint over the metallic to identify each set. This is a simple technique that I’ve used on the Star Trek game as well as several other space ship games. The result is a nice metallic color that looks sci-fi and gets away from the brightly colored plastics without requiring a ton of extra time and details.

The characters, relics and monuments required a bit more attention. To get these painted up quickly I started with a khaki base color and applied a heavy wash of earth shade. This gave me a solid pre-shaded base to then apply contrast paints to work up the colors. I’ve been experimenting with this technique on board game minis to speed up the amount of time it takes me to paint them. So far I’ve been very happy with the results.
