Arcadia Quest - Achievement Unlocked?

Board Games – Last year I painted up the majority of the models for Arcadia Quest and the various expansions. This batch of models should be the last of what CMON has released so far.

Overall I’m really happy with how the models have turned out painting Chibi style minis is fun and a nice break from the serious grim dark stuff I typically paint.


Pet Parade - Arcadia Quest Gets Wild


Board Games – When a game is as cute as Arcadia Quest it’s hard to push that envelope without feeling like more of the same. So how do you turn up the cuteness to 11? Well you add pets, super deformed looking little pets.

Other chibi games also have gone down the Pet Parade (and failed to deliver so far) but CMON has a huge box of cute little friends for you guild of heroes to adventure with. Also pictured here are a bunch of Orcs and goblins that I don’t think were part of the Pets box but they came in this batch.

Masmora and Arcadia Quest - Another Batch Done

Board Games – Arcadia Quest is a PvP game, Masmora is a dungeon crawl. So if you love Chibi style miniatures and find yourself needing to play alone Masmorra has a single player mode. This batch features the Kickstarter exclusive hero pack and a selection of random heroes.

Arcadia Quest - Chibi Fantasy Adventures

Arcadia Quest - Chibi Fantasy Adventures

Board Games – Arcadia Quest is another chibi-style board game that has a ridiculous amount of expansions. When it first came out I assumed it was just CMON’s response to breaking ties with Sodapop Miniatures after the Relic Knights fiasco, and dismissed it because I didn’t think I needed another game with a similar theme. Sadly I was wrong Arcadia quest is much different than Super Dungeon Explore and if you’re a fan of the style you should probably make room for both games on your shelf.

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