Beast Grave - Warhammer Underworlds

Age of Sigmar – Warhammer Underworlds is a well designed competitive mash-up of a card game and a miniatures game. It sounds like with the next release they’ll start rotating out card sets so the barrier to entry for new players will be significantly lower.

Something's Fishy - Deepkin Warband

Age of Sigmar – Deepkin are one of the new flavors of Elf introduced to Age of Sigmar, the whole “Undersea Magic” is odd to me but the overall look of the models is very cool.

Beastgrave – Wolf Riders


Wolf Riders

My first Warhammer Novel

Warhammer Underworlds – The first Warhammer novel I ever read was Wolf Riders. That book was enough to get me hooked, not enough to actually ever play Fantasy mind you, but hooked enough to get Battle Masters, Dark World and Hero Quest. From there I picked up Chainmail and a bunch of Dungeons and Dragons minis on which I taught myself to paint, I wish I still had those Dark Sun models they were so cool. Anyway the point of this rabbit hole was to express my love for Goblin Wolf Riders and how that iconic model drew me into this hobby.

The next batch of Beastgrave models to cross my desk were the Wolf Riders. It’s odd that they have calvary in a skirmish game but I imagine it works out. These three are much more dynamic than previous models and I hope it’s a sign of what’s to come for the greenskin line.


The Trees Have Eyes

Warhammer Underworlds – The latest version of Warhammer Underworlds takes you out of the Underworlds and into the Wilderness. The first crew to pass my table for this expansion are the Sylvaneth faction. I’m not a huge fan of tree people, although these aren’t really Treemen, but some kind of elf/tree hybrid. I guess in the fluff they’re some sort of ghostly possessed tree, which I didn’t completely realized when I started painting them. I’m pretty happy with the scheme I opted for as it pops against the bright green basing.