Off the Painting Table - KillTeam: Gellar-Pox Infected


Warhammer 40,000 – Nurgle has never been my jam. The models are always really amazing looking but the slow-grindy playstyle and general idea of embracing decay and despair never push-ed any of my buttons. However since the boxed set and narrative campaign included both the Star-Striders and the Infected I felt like I should paint these guys up to match my other chaos forces.

Upon looking at the 40k rules it seems like these creepy crewmen might be a good add to my Night Lords force, but giving up a proper warlord to get access to their 3CP and special Stratagems seems like a steep price to pay.

I don’t like the typically rotting green colors scheme you seem on most Nurgle stuff. It feels very comical and not quite as terrifying as I feel it should be so I opted to go with a swollen, irritated fleshtone with bloody gore. I think the effect works and it helps them fit in with the rest of my Night Lords.

Off the Painting Table – Killteam: Star Striders

Off the Painting Table – Killteam: Star Striders

Warhammer 40,000 – Rogue Traders have always been an idea that intrigued me. Essentially the Han Solo’s of 40k (of course not scoundrels..) they travel the furthest reaches looking for riches, power and glory. Although, I guess they’re really more like Columbus travel out at the behest of their ruler into the unknown looking for power, riches and glory. Fantasy Flight did an rpg system that focused on Rogue Traders and was a very enjoyable read. Playing it was another story … best saved for another time.

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Let's Pretend!

Rogue Trader – I've finally read through the full rulebook and am preparing to GM for the first time. In preparation I've listened to numerous play sessions and have read through the various prepared adventures. I'm hoping the game will run smoothly, but I'm a bit nervous about my player group and them jumping to far from the story. Making stuff up on the fly shouldn't be to hard but I really want to use all the material I have.

The other night I got the group together to build their characters. I really like the origin path system as it easily gives the characters a backstory. I had the players start with their career and work backwards. Most of the players just did what sounded cool without reading the stat modifiers. It was easy to do as a group because I could just read off the modifiers after everyone drew their path.

After everyone was done with the basic character stats we have: Rogue Trader, noble born from a failing Dynasty; an Explorator on the run form the law; a trigger happy Navigator; a Seneshal manservant; an angry imperial guard deserter as the Voidmaster; a xenophobic Missionary; and a bat-shit crazy Ex-Militant. 

This should be fun. If you want to learn more about the system check out this link.