Warhammer Underworlds - Next Wave

Age of Sigmar – Warhammer Underworlds is a really cool system, with each rotation the warbands get more and more impressive. I was happy to hear that cards would rotate out of the system over time, which was one of the biggest barriers of entry for new players. Of course that doesn’t change the need to but each new set to get all the cards so players that only pick up one set will still be fighting an uphill battle.

I just wrapped up the Orks, Lumineth, Daughters of Khaine and Slaanesh warbands. Each of these are really nice push fit models that go together easily. I’m really impressed with how far plastic push fit models have come.

The Tale of the Bloody Baron - A bit of lore behind my list

The Tale of the Bloody Baron - A bit of lore behind my list

Warhammer 40,000 – While building competitive lists and winning is fun; I find the most rewarding part of this hobby is coming up with a backstory for your army and seeing it grow and mature over time. While I’ve dedicated the first part of the year to painting and learning my Blood Angels list, I still have several other armies that I continue to think about which inevitably leads to me going off on a tangent and another year of unfinished armies but that’s neither here nor there.

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Is a Leadership Based List Viable? - Chaos in 8th

Is a Leadership Based List Viable? - Chaos in 8th

Warhammer 40,000 - Early in 8th edition I decided to do a Night Lords list, my idea was to do a ton of Raptors that messed with leadership to force my opponents to run away. Sadly with the rule of three spamming a ton of minimal Raptor units isn’t really viable. Another issue is that “assault troops” with a single base attack don’t really do well in assault, nor do small specialized units. While they’re vicious and great in combat in the lore and other background; in reality Raptors are a mobile firebase that can max out on special weapons.

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