Batman Gotham City Chronicles

Board Games - Batman Gotham City Chronicles is a board game that let’s you play out various story lines within the Batman universe. This set is part of the two player vs. mode that adds some dashboards and additional miniatures.

I haven’t played the game yet but the concept seems cool. Unfortunately the miniatures are some what all over the place in quality. Some of the sets I painted previously are on par with the Knight Models kits while others are really soft on the detail and merely get the job done representing the characters.

More reading ... Deathstroke and more

More reading ... Deathstroke and more

Book Reviews – I've been tearing through anything DC related my library network has available. Most recently I tore through all four volumes of the Deathstroke books and I thought they were pretty good. It was weird seeing Rob Liefield art again (with feet in some of the panels). I get why he's the baddest assassin in the DC universe and will probably need to pick up the model for the Batman game just because of that fact.

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Reading List - Going Batty

Comics – As a kid I liked Batman (and most of the Super Friends). Not so much the comic books but all the other media (TV, Movies, Toys) as a pop culture icon he was my jam. When I was younger there were very few Batman comics that caught my interest. Back then I didn't care for the artists and DC books in general weren't my style. I was more into Marvel and would occasionally pick up a book from the other guys if the cover looked interesting (Lobo was the exception I bought anything he was I guess I fit the demographic). 

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