First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet.


Board Games – Mars has been a very popular subject fo games over the last few years. Not many of the games feature highly detailed miniature though, which means I haven’t been exposed to many of them first hand. While researching this game I found a ton of variations of the same theme, most of the games are worker placement variations in which you have to set up a colony on Mars.

First Martians is a game based on a previous award winning game called Robinson Crusoe. I guess it can be played solitare and uses an app. It looks pretty cool and the miniatures are detailed enough that a simple paint job really makes them pop.

Shadows of Brimstone - In Space?


Board Games – Shadows of Brimstone is a really weird game. I haven’t played it personally but one of my clients is all about it. I get a few models for the game in just about every batch she send over. Initially I was under the impression it was some type of cthulu-esqu cowboy game, which in the simplest terms i guess it is. The concept is a mining town the discovers a mysterious type of stone, the ensuing “gold-rush” causes an explosion that rips a hole in reality allowing for all sorts of oddities to appear. It feels a little bit like Rifts or any number of RPGs that throw in everything plus the kitchen sink.

This particular batch is the abandoned space station. Featuring undead astronats, probe droids and gun batteries it’s a well themed expansion.