Leader of the Pack ... WIP Space Wolves

Warhammer 40,000 – With the number of armies I've painted over the years it amazes me that this is the first group of Space Wolves to have graced my table. I did some test schemes for these a while back and my client finally decided on the scheme he wanted to go with.

My trip to the hobby store to stock up on Asurmen Blue wash was far from fruitful. It seems that they no longer make the color so I picked up the "replacement" color Drakenhof Nightshade. WOW! these aren't even in the same color family. The new color is more of a steel blue as opposed to the bright blue of the previous wash. Given that I only have half a pot of the original color there's no way I could do the whole army in the test scheme. Why GW, why?

Luckily my client liked the new color just fine so I repainted the test models in the new darker color and kept moving on the job.

I started with a light slate gray base coat followed by the D. Nighshade wash. After that it's just a matter of painting the details and doing the edge highlights.

This batch is almost done I just need to add the decals and snow flock on the bases.