On the painting table ... Wulfen

Warhammer 40,000 – I'm so swamped with painting jobs at the moment, I'm having to bounce around to keep them all moving at a good pace. Not sure if that's the best way to do it but it does keep showing progress for my clients so it's the way I feel I need to move through these projects.

 Jumping back and forth also keeps me from getting bored when I get to an infantry grind (looking at you cultists)

The Space Wolves recently got some new model and because of this I've been asked to paint up a few more models to match the previous work I did. (see here and here). He's eager to get them on the tabletop so I'm trying to put a rush on these for him. 

Most of the color blocking is done and I just need to go back to the details and edge highlights on the armour. Add a bit of snow and I'll be able to call these done.