Fear the Gorm - Kingdom Death Expansion

Kingdom Death – My own Kingdom Death campaign seemed to have faltered after the Screaming Antelope murdered most of my party, and since that day most of my play group has been interested in other things so I haven't had a chance to go back into the boutique nightmare horror realm that is Kingdom Death. 

Luckily my clients don't seem to have the same problem so I have a fairly steady flow of models for the game and it's various expansions making their way to my painting table. This time around the creepy baby with mouth arms and the associated survivors are getting paint applied to plastic.

As with all the Kingdom Death kits these are hard plastic so plastic cement works just fine. Unlike the other kits this one was pretty self-explanatory, everything fit together easily and made sense. The most difficult part was figuring out how to arm the survivors. Ideally you'd build you models after forging weapons and kitting them out with the items they need. The game has a plastic representation (or four) of every part you may come across during the campaign. Which is cool if you suffer from OCD and have to have everything be accurately matched. Not so much if you're just trying to get everything assembled and painted before you begin. My simple solution is to follow the rule of cool when building the models. So long as they look awesome and are "basically" representative of the gear your survivor is carrying then I think you're safe. 


The Gorm kit also came with the Pin-up version of the Regeneration Suit. Which means you can make five survivors and still have a ton of extra parts on the sprue. 


The armor kits are basically black "leather" with chains and bone accents. The whole look feels very S&M latex suit-ish with a whole head cover. Not having made it this far in the campaign my assumption it the Gorm skin has healing properties that create a regeneration effect. 

For paint I started with a dark grey followed by a purple wash. I then high-lighted the edges with purple building up to give the suit some depth. I think this is a more interesting look than just going with a black base highlighted with grey. 

To take them up a notch I also included a OSL glow effect on the lanterns. I use fluorescent paints for my glow effects. The way they catch the light and layer over the existing colors is really effective in my opinion.