On the Painting Table: Zombicide - The Green Horde

Board Games – Nothing like starting the year off with a simple project. Last year I painted up several of the Zombicide: Black Plague sets. As with most games fo CMON this set is packed with a ton of miniatures (72 according to the box). The majority of those models are the zombie horde, but this set also includes some heroes and a siege engine.

This time around instead of human zombies the horde consists of greenskin zombies: goblins and orcs. Apparently no creature is safe from the zombie menace.

Painting the orcs and goblins was pretty straightforward, I wanted a unified look that was quick to replicate on the various sculpts. To keep the scheme simple I settled on a base of Straken Green for the skin and a Burnt Umber for the cloth portions and a gunmetal metallic color for the armor bits. After that tedious task I quickly applied a heavy wash of Athonian Camo Shade. Once this dried I added some texture paint to the bases so they matched the other sets I previously painted.

The texture paint takes forever to dry so at this point I took a break from painting orcs to work on the siege engine. Painting old looking wood can be tricky. Most people will paint wood brown and be done with it. In reality unless the wood has had an artificial color applied to it, the color should never be brown. I opted to start with a khaki color for the basic wood tone and washed it with the same camo shade as the orcs. I feel this is close to a raw wood look that has aged. If it was old the color would be more grey I think.

While I worked on the siege engine the texture painted dried on the horde. To finish these guys off I painted any bone elements with Screaming Skull, dotted their eyes with Evil Suns Scarlett and applied Blood for the Blood God on any open wounds. The end result is a pretty nasty looking horde ready to bring ruin upon any heroes fool-hardy enough to stand against them.

Next up I need to paint the Character Models for the heroes. These tend to take a little more time as they have more detail and spend more time on the board so they need a bit more detail than the horde.