Gaslands - Deathrace Gates

Gaslands - Deathrace Gates

Gaslands – I'm incredibly excited to start playing Gaslands. Having converted a few cars, I picked up the dice and templates as well as material to build some gates. Wandering around my local train/hobby store I found that the HO scale stuff looked to be close to Hot Wheels size. (The clerk informed me that Hot Wheels are technically "S" scale, but the don't carry that because most Railroad guys don't like that size so it's a specialty item.) The carry a very inexpensive plastic girder system that seemed like it would suit my needs and budget for this game. (part of the draw for this game are the 99¢ models honestly, followed closely by the nostalgia factor of playing with Mad Max style cars)

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Wacky Racers? More Gaslands Cars

Wacky Racers? More Gaslands Cars

Gaslands – One thing about "mad-maxifying" Hot Wheels cars is it's pretty easy if you're not concerned with be accurate or to scale. It's also really enjoyable to mash together parts to make something unique for your Wasteland Warriors to ride in. 

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