Modern Factory Terrain

Historical – This batch is just a few small factory terrain pieces for 6mm historical gaming. Painting these started with two layers of grey dry brushing followed up with some contrast colors and a wash to unify the whole thing.

My Little Germans - Chibi Style Historical Games?

Historical – This batch of miniatures is something different. Chibi style German Tank Commanders or as I like to call them “My Little Germans”

Hogan's Heroes - WWII Miniatures

Hogan's Heroes - WWII Miniatures

Historical - I’ve never been into historical gaming, while I find it interesting reenacting actual battles with actual forces never really appealed to me. So this is my first “historical” post, since one of my regulars has decided to get a variety of World War II models painted. Sticking to an “accurate” representation of uniforms is new to me so it might take a bit to get used to, with most of my other projects its a simple matter of I want it blue and red, match the box or whatever you think looks best you’re the artist (my personal favorite).

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