Reaching the Peak ... Dicey Peaks

Reaching the Peak ... Dicey Peaks

Board Games – After being hit with a bunch of snow over the holidays it seems appropriate to work on painting up some mountain climbers and oxygen tanks. These simple miniatures belong to a board game called Dicey Peaks, a press your luck game designed by the same guy who did the Tiny Epic series. did a really good review of the game if you're interested in learning more.

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Getting Crazy or Going Sane? Lobotomy The Board Game

Getting Crazy or Going Sane? Lobotomy The Board Game

Board Games – Ever feel trapped, alone or like everyone thinks your crazy? Are you institutionalized? Do you want to break free? If these statements apply to you you should check out this game from Titan Forge. You play as a vaguely familiar patient in an Insane Asylum where things aren't what they seem.

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The Others: Seven Sins – Lust

The Others: Seven Sins – Lust

Board Games – The sins keep coming as I work my way through the expansions for The Others: Seven Sins. This time around is Lust. When I first saw this models I was a little confused as there's nothing sexy about them. The typical super sexy girl/guy treatment doesn't exist which through me for a loop initially. 

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The Others Seven Sins: Wrath

The Others Seven Sins: Wrath

Board Games – I've been so busy painting lately I've neglected to post for some time. Now that I've caught up a little posts should be coming on the regular again.

While I still haven't had a chance to get The Others on the table, I have painted the majority of the models for other people. The latest batch is Wrath.

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Scythe Expansion Characters

Scythe Expansion Characters

Board Games – Just a quick post today. The Scythe characters are wrapped up for the first expansion. These are a Scottish themed model and a Japanese themed model. The detail is ok for board games minis, but not quite enough to get incredibly detailed with the paint. The simple scheme looks great on the table next to the robots I painted before.

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On the painting table ... The Others: Seven Sins

On the painting table ... The Others: Seven Sins

Board Games – Having painted the Heroes and some of the monsters, it was only a matter of time before the rest of The Others: Seven Sins would hit my painting table. I'm bummed i haven't had time to work on my own set or actually play this game but I think I might try and push it for after my current 40K campaign wraps up. The game is very well designed and the models are great so I need to play it.

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On the painting table ... Scythe Expansion

On the painting table ... Scythe Expansion

Board Games – While I haven't had a chance to play it yet Scythe has been racking up acclaim all around the internet. From what I've heard it's an elegant system that is very simple but tactically deep. The models are very nice and my latest project brought the scottish and asian factions to my painting table.

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Shadows of Brimstone - The Monsters

Shadows of Brimstone - The Monsters

Board Games - When it comes to board games with miniatures there are two – three distinct varieties. First is the pre-assembled or single piece miniature. These pass the "Christmas Morning Test" meaning you don't have to do anything other than open the box to get started playing. The second type are snap together, these models require a little assembly but not necessarily glue or filler to get them in a playable state. The last type requires some significant modeling, gluing and filling just like a standard tabletop miniature game. My current board game project, Shadows of Brimstone falls into that last category.

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Weird War I - Scythe Boardgame Heroes

Weird War I - Scythe Boardgame Heroes

Board Games - It's taken me a bit longer than usual to wrap up the heroes for Scythe. The detail on them is a little soft so it took a bit more to get me motivated to put them on the painting table to finish up. Don't get me wrong the models are great they're just smallish so the faces weren't the most fun to paint. It didn't help that in the same batch I have a bunch of Shadows of Brimstone and The Others to paint. (both of which are more forgiving and easier to paint).

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Scythe - Steampunk-style robots

Scythe - Steampunk-style robots

Board Games - Scythe is a new board game that features steampunk robots and cool characters with animal companions. It's set in the 1920's in an alternate reality just after World War I.  One of my regular board game clients just dropped these off to me to have painted. Her primary request was to make the robots look beat up and mostly metal with chipping paint and grime.

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Feed your Greed - The Others: Seven Sins

Feed your Greed - The Others: Seven Sins

Board Games - Sometimes you get the coolest effects without planning on it. My latest batch of board game bits comes from the Greed expansion for The Others: Seven Sins. For those of you unfamiliar with the game it pits Hellboy-esque agents of FAITH against the otherworldly threat of The Others. It's a bit Cthulu-esque mixed in with the traditional Seven Deadly Sins. The core box gets you two of the major sins with their minions and the other five sins are available individually.

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The Others: Seven Sins - Core Heroes

Board Games - I'm a bit bummed I haven't had a chance to put The Others: Seven Sins on the table. The game look great and from what I've heard it plays well too. I've already painted a Sons of Ragnorak hero set for one of my board game clients. This time around she gave me the core heroes and  the large sin monster: Pride.

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