Shadows of Brimstone - Flesh Stalker Expansion

Shadows of Brimstone - Flesh Stalker Expansion

Boardgames – Shadows of Brimstone is one of those games that can go anywhere. Initially I thought it was just an Old West style game but every commission I paint seems to go further than the last. Most recently I worked on a Flesh-Stalker and Flesh-Drones. This is one of the mini-expansions with a Boss Character and minions rather than one of the big box releases. 

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Fall-out Boys and Girls - Board Game Minis

Fall-out Boys and Girls - Board Game Minis

Board Games – Typically when I get a new client they give me a small batch of minis to "test paint" before moving on to the rest of their collection. My newest client opted to send me back to the wastelands with a small batch of models from the Fall-out Board game. Sadly I never made it very far in Fall-out 3 and haven't looked at any of the other games so my knowledge of the game is based mostly on popular references and looking back at the Collectors Edition guide I picked up when Fall-out 3 was released many moons ago.

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From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

Board Games – Pop Culture Icons/References trapped in an insane asylum trying to escape from other Pop Culture Icons/References seems to be the basis of Lobotomy the board game. I haven't actually played the game, but based on the large batches of minis I've painted for my client that's the general opinion I have about the game. The models are decent quality and plentiful which is usually a good enough reason to pick up a game. (Because if it's awful you can always repurpose the minis right?) 

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Stuffed Fables ... Board Game Miniatures

Stuffed Fables ... Board Game Miniatures

Board Games – My board game clients are always bringing me something new and different that I I've either not played or not heard about, but wind up intrigued by the models. Stuffed Fables is one of those games. The concept of a family friendly game that takes place completely on a self contained "book" that also acts as a board is intriguing. I might need to do some more research into this game as it might be a good fit for my kids.

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Lobotomized ... more boardgame minis

Lobotomized ... more boardgame minis

Boardgames – Last year I worked on a large batch of minis for Lobotomy the board game from Titan Forge games. This was a kickstarted board game that had quite a few add-ons. My client had missed the Kickstarter but was able to track down some of the extras by contacting Titan Forge directly. The results are the next batch of minis to hit my painting table.

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Two more Sins - The Others: Envy and Gluttony

Two more Sins - The Others: Envy and Gluttony

Board Games – The Others: Seven Sins is still finding it's way across my paint table. Every time I start a new batch I'm impressed with the creativity behind these sculpts. As board game miniatures they're really nice and some of the larger models would look right at home on a 28mm tabletop battlefield. (which several of my 40k clients mention anytime they see these on my painting table)

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Reaching the Peak ... Dicey Peaks

Reaching the Peak ... Dicey Peaks

Board Games – After being hit with a bunch of snow over the holidays it seems appropriate to work on painting up some mountain climbers and oxygen tanks. These simple miniatures belong to a board game called Dicey Peaks, a press your luck game designed by the same guy who did the Tiny Epic series. did a really good review of the game if you're interested in learning more.

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Getting Crazy or Going Sane? Lobotomy The Board Game

Getting Crazy or Going Sane? Lobotomy The Board Game

Board Games – Ever feel trapped, alone or like everyone thinks your crazy? Are you institutionalized? Do you want to break free? If these statements apply to you you should check out this game from Titan Forge. You play as a vaguely familiar patient in an Insane Asylum where things aren't what they seem.

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The Others: Seven Sins – Lust

The Others: Seven Sins – Lust

Board Games – The sins keep coming as I work my way through the expansions for The Others: Seven Sins. This time around is Lust. When I first saw this models I was a little confused as there's nothing sexy about them. The typical super sexy girl/guy treatment doesn't exist which through me for a loop initially. 

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The Others Seven Sins: Wrath

The Others Seven Sins: Wrath

Board Games – I've been so busy painting lately I've neglected to post for some time. Now that I've caught up a little posts should be coming on the regular again.

While I still haven't had a chance to get The Others on the table, I have painted the majority of the models for other people. The latest batch is Wrath.

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Scythe Expansion Characters

Scythe Expansion Characters

Board Games – Just a quick post today. The Scythe characters are wrapped up for the first expansion. These are a Scottish themed model and a Japanese themed model. The detail is ok for board games minis, but not quite enough to get incredibly detailed with the paint. The simple scheme looks great on the table next to the robots I painted before.

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On the painting table ... The Others: Seven Sins

On the painting table ... The Others: Seven Sins

Board Games – Having painted the Heroes and some of the monsters, it was only a matter of time before the rest of The Others: Seven Sins would hit my painting table. I'm bummed i haven't had time to work on my own set or actually play this game but I think I might try and push it for after my current 40K campaign wraps up. The game is very well designed and the models are great so I need to play it.

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On the painting table ... Scythe Expansion

On the painting table ... Scythe Expansion

Board Games – While I haven't had a chance to play it yet Scythe has been racking up acclaim all around the internet. From what I've heard it's an elegant system that is very simple but tactically deep. The models are very nice and my latest project brought the scottish and asian factions to my painting table.

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