Dark Crystal - Board Game Minis


Board Games – As a kid Dark Crystal freaked me out a bit. I remember watching it at my grandmothers house who picked it up because at the time anything Jim Henson was gold. Little did she know that this was almost as scary to a little kid as his storyteller series was. The story of the guy who caught death in bag still sticks with me.


Anyway the four miniatures used as game pawns in this board game have a decent level of detail. The base on them makes it feel a bit like a chess set. Which would be cool if they expanded the line to have a few more figures. With the Netflix series on the horizon I imagine the Board Game will see a spike in sales.

There Can Be Only One - Highlander Board Game

There Can Be Only One - Highlander Board Game

Board Games – Nostalgia sure is a powerful motivator. Picking up a licensed property from the 80’s and 90’s to bring out as a board game seems to be all the rage right now. Some of these games are really good and some just like the licensing craze of the 80’s-90’s are just cash-grabs that slap some movie art onto a box with some loose rules destined to fail before they launch. The latest of these nostalgia-based games to cross my desk is Highlander the board game, by River Horse productions.

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Folklore - Part Two

Folklore - Part Two

Board Games - Folklore is a pretty amazing deal for some old-school looking minis. I completed the first half of the set a few weeks ago. This is the last portion of the set. As I noted previously there are just a ton of minis include. The detail level is a little lacking compared to most modern miniature games, but for anyone that has been playing/painting for a significant amount of time these bring back a bit of nostalgia to the minis of the late 80’s early 90’s.

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Brimstone still has Shadows over it - More Expansions

Brimstone still has Shadows over it - More Expansions

Board Games - Shadows of Brimstone is a game that just keeps on giving. The more of these expansion sets I paint the more I’m reminded of RIFTS or GURPS, it’s probably because the mismash of enemies I’ve seen run the full gambit of old west Indian to weird space robot suit back to giant mutant animals. At some point I need to get a demo of this game because while the minis aren’t the best quality, they’re decent and varied.

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Folklore - Massive Project in a Small Package

Folklore - Massive Project in a Small Package

Board Games – I think Folklore: The Affliction dances a fine line between miniature Game, RPG and Board Game. Prior to this coming across my painting desk I’d never heard of the game. As part of a larger batch of miniature Folklore was nestled in a small box and a simple bag of terrain. I was quite surprised to option up this tiny box and find over 96 individual models in the box. More surprising was how detailed these were for “inexpensive” miniatures they feel similar to Reaper Bones but it’s a different material that is harder, the doors and walls are a very hard plastic. It seems like a decent value for the cost.

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In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - AVP Second Edition

In Space No One Can Hear You Scream - AVP Second Edition

Board Games – Prodos Games has a pretty solid property. Aliens vs Predator remains a popular property regardless of the quality of the sequels, prequels and reboots. This year is the 40th anniversary of that lovable chest-bursting monster making it’s big screen debut, although with the current shake-up of Disney buying Fox, I wonder if they’ll make a big deal about the anniversary. Sadly it looks like the House of Mouse has killed all existing licensing deals so AVP goes out of print on May 1, if you’re a fan tracking down anything you don’t have now would be safer than waiting on clearance pricing to hit rock bottom.

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The Others: Seven Sins - The Apocalypse Arrives

The Others: Seven Sins - The Apocalypse Arrives

Board Games – I’ve now painted the complete set of minis for The Others: Seven Sins. The final expansion bring out the four horsemen and the avatar of the apocalypse. Just like the rest of the models for this board game these are pretty amazing. The pictures pretty much speak for themselves, if you have any questions about the technique post in the comments below.

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Dark Souls - Asylum Demon Expansion

Board Games - The Asylum Demon is a massive monster for the Dark Souls Board Game. From what I’ve read it’s the first Boss Monster you face in the video game. It has a massive hammer and non-functioning wings, the skin texture on this model is pretty amazing it looks similar to an elephant and is deep enough that the detail really comes through.

The Adventurers: Temple of Chac

The Adventurers: Temple of Chac

Board Games – Temple of Doom is by far my favorite Indiana Jones movie. It was the first one I saw in the theater and I still have my metal lunchbox that I got that year. Pulp adventures looting tombs, archeology and ridiculous characters make for a fun time in any story. The Adventures: Temple of Chac promises to deliver all of those things in a fun little game.

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The Others: Seven Sins - Gamma Team

The Others: Seven Sins - Gamma Team

Board Games – The Others: Seven Sins is a fun board game with a pretty rich backstory involving the supernatural, a government agency and a Cthulu-esque threat that needs to be dealt with. The coolest part of this game are the miniatures. Each one is well detailed, hard-ish plastic and looks just like the art on the character cards. If you’re a fan of Hellboy, BRP, MIB, or Ghostbusters you’re probably going to like this game’s concept.

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Firefly Adventures: Expansions

Firefly Adventures: Expansions

Board Games – Firefly Adventures is the latest board game to take place in the Serenity Universe. This one is focused on the crew and their actions instead of the ship so I would imagine it feels a bit more like the show and is probably pretty fun. I’ve yet to play it, but from what I’ve read and watched about the game it seems cool.

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Crush your enemies, see them driven before you ...

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you ...

Board Games – Conan has always been near and dear to my heart, as a kid I was a huge fan of Masters of the Universe, which lead to Conan, probably a little backwards but Pop Culture is a giant web that you might get caught on the edge of something and suddenly find yourself entangled deep in the center of it all. Conan has had a slight resurgence with Marvel’s anniversary and the reprinting of the old books as well as several miniature game kickstarters over the last few years.

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Alien Robots Invade the Old West

Alien Robots Invade the Old West

Board Games – Shadows of Brimstone is a treasure trove of miniatures, with so many expansions available you’e never starved for additional enemies or heroes. Every few months a few of these models find their way onto my painting table. The sculpts are pretty consistent, nothing overly detailed but just enough to look great with a little extra work.

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878 Vikings – Painted Board Game

878 Vikings – Painted Board Game

Board Games – My pool of board game clients seems to be ever increasing. Which means I’m seeing lots of game I’ve never been exposed to. The most recent one to cross my table was 878 Vikings, the minis look pretty decent for bendy plastic and the houses, keeps and walls are all injection molded hard plastic. I don’t know why but as I was painting them I kept thinking these are Viking houses and hotels and somebodies going to pay when they land on Trelleborg…

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Shadows of Brimstone - Indian Warriors

Shadows of Brimstone - Indian Warriors

Board Games – Shadows of Brimstone Indian Warriors. There’s really not much to say about these. They follow the same mold as the other expansions I’ve painted. One-two nice sculpts repeated to fill out a set. These are pretty much just enemies from what I can gather. I stuck with a simple paint scheme on these that I think works well. Cadian Fleshtone with a Reikland wash seems to be really close to the right skin color for Native Americans.

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Gloomhaven - The first six models

Gloomhaven - The first six models

Boardgames - It's interesting to paint models for a game where the models are supposed to be secret until you open them up and reveal them during the course of the adventure. The first six miniature my client provided me are what I think are the heroes.  She provided a few screen-grabs of schemes she liked that I tried to mimic. 

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