The Adventurers: Temple of Chac

The Adventurers: Temple of Chac

Board Games – Temple of Doom is by far my favorite Indiana Jones movie. It was the first one I saw in the theater and I still have my metal lunchbox that I got that year. Pulp adventures looting tombs, archeology and ridiculous characters make for a fun time in any story. The Adventures: Temple of Chac promises to deliver all of those things in a fun little game.

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The Others: Seven Sins - Gamma Team

The Others: Seven Sins - Gamma Team

Board Games – The Others: Seven Sins is a fun board game with a pretty rich backstory involving the supernatural, a government agency and a Cthulu-esque threat that needs to be dealt with. The coolest part of this game are the miniatures. Each one is well detailed, hard-ish plastic and looks just like the art on the character cards. If you’re a fan of Hellboy, BRP, MIB, or Ghostbusters you’re probably going to like this game’s concept.

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Firefly Adventures: Expansions

Firefly Adventures: Expansions

Board Games – Firefly Adventures is the latest board game to take place in the Serenity Universe. This one is focused on the crew and their actions instead of the ship so I would imagine it feels a bit more like the show and is probably pretty fun. I’ve yet to play it, but from what I’ve read and watched about the game it seems cool.

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Crush your enemies, see them driven before you ...

Crush your enemies, see them driven before you ...

Board Games – Conan has always been near and dear to my heart, as a kid I was a huge fan of Masters of the Universe, which lead to Conan, probably a little backwards but Pop Culture is a giant web that you might get caught on the edge of something and suddenly find yourself entangled deep in the center of it all. Conan has had a slight resurgence with Marvel’s anniversary and the reprinting of the old books as well as several miniature game kickstarters over the last few years.

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Alien Robots Invade the Old West

Alien Robots Invade the Old West

Board Games – Shadows of Brimstone is a treasure trove of miniatures, with so many expansions available you’e never starved for additional enemies or heroes. Every few months a few of these models find their way onto my painting table. The sculpts are pretty consistent, nothing overly detailed but just enough to look great with a little extra work.

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878 Vikings – Painted Board Game

878 Vikings – Painted Board Game

Board Games – My pool of board game clients seems to be ever increasing. Which means I’m seeing lots of game I’ve never been exposed to. The most recent one to cross my table was 878 Vikings, the minis look pretty decent for bendy plastic and the houses, keeps and walls are all injection molded hard plastic. I don’t know why but as I was painting them I kept thinking these are Viking houses and hotels and somebodies going to pay when they land on Trelleborg…

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Shadows of Brimstone - Indian Warriors

Shadows of Brimstone - Indian Warriors

Board Games – Shadows of Brimstone Indian Warriors. There’s really not much to say about these. They follow the same mold as the other expansions I’ve painted. One-two nice sculpts repeated to fill out a set. These are pretty much just enemies from what I can gather. I stuck with a simple paint scheme on these that I think works well. Cadian Fleshtone with a Reikland wash seems to be really close to the right skin color for Native Americans.

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Gloomhaven - The first six models

Gloomhaven - The first six models

Boardgames - It's interesting to paint models for a game where the models are supposed to be secret until you open them up and reveal them during the course of the adventure. The first six miniature my client provided me are what I think are the heroes.  She provided a few screen-grabs of schemes she liked that I tried to mimic. 

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Shadows of Brimstone - Flesh Stalker Expansion

Shadows of Brimstone - Flesh Stalker Expansion

Boardgames – Shadows of Brimstone is one of those games that can go anywhere. Initially I thought it was just an Old West style game but every commission I paint seems to go further than the last. Most recently I worked on a Flesh-Stalker and Flesh-Drones. This is one of the mini-expansions with a Boss Character and minions rather than one of the big box releases. 

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Fall-out Boys and Girls - Board Game Minis

Fall-out Boys and Girls - Board Game Minis

Board Games – Typically when I get a new client they give me a small batch of minis to "test paint" before moving on to the rest of their collection. My newest client opted to send me back to the wastelands with a small batch of models from the Fall-out Board game. Sadly I never made it very far in Fall-out 3 and haven't looked at any of the other games so my knowledge of the game is based mostly on popular references and looking back at the Collectors Edition guide I picked up when Fall-out 3 was released many moons ago.

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From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

From the Deep - A Lobotomy Expansion

Board Games – Pop Culture Icons/References trapped in an insane asylum trying to escape from other Pop Culture Icons/References seems to be the basis of Lobotomy the board game. I haven't actually played the game, but based on the large batches of minis I've painted for my client that's the general opinion I have about the game. The models are decent quality and plentiful which is usually a good enough reason to pick up a game. (Because if it's awful you can always repurpose the minis right?) 

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Stuffed Fables ... Board Game Miniatures

Stuffed Fables ... Board Game Miniatures

Board Games – My board game clients are always bringing me something new and different that I I've either not played or not heard about, but wind up intrigued by the models. Stuffed Fables is one of those games. The concept of a family friendly game that takes place completely on a self contained "book" that also acts as a board is intriguing. I might need to do some more research into this game as it might be a good fit for my kids.

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Lobotomized ... more boardgame minis

Lobotomized ... more boardgame minis

Boardgames – Last year I worked on a large batch of minis for Lobotomy the board game from Titan Forge games. This was a kickstarted board game that had quite a few add-ons. My client had missed the Kickstarter but was able to track down some of the extras by contacting Titan Forge directly. The results are the next batch of minis to hit my painting table.

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Two more Sins - The Others: Envy and Gluttony

Two more Sins - The Others: Envy and Gluttony

Board Games – The Others: Seven Sins is still finding it's way across my paint table. Every time I start a new batch I'm impressed with the creativity behind these sculpts. As board game miniatures they're really nice and some of the larger models would look right at home on a 28mm tabletop battlefield. (which several of my 40k clients mention anytime they see these on my painting table)

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